Turkey Tail, Organic Mushroom Extract - Gallon


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Our mushroom tinctures are triple extracted. First we ferment the mushrooms to make the Polysaccharides, Triterpenoids, and Alkaloids, more bio-available. Second, we do a hot water extraction, because Polysaccharides are only water soluble. And third, we do 90 days in alcohol, because Triterpenoids are only alcohol soluble. It takes us around 100 days to make a tincture!

1 Gallon 

128 Ounces 

Liquid Extraction Process 



By fermenting the mushrooms we break down the tough cell walls (chitin), making the polysaccharides, triterpenes, and other beneficial compounds more bioavailable.


Water Extraction 

We use filtered water to draw out the beneficial polysaccharides; alpha and beta glucans.


Alcohol Removal 

The last step involves a solventless alcohol removal. We then stabilize using organic vegetable glycerin. Our Vegetable Glycerin is USDA Certified Organic, USP-Grade, Sustainably Sourced, and this version is palm free, made from coconut and/or flax.



This entire process takes 100 day start to finish